What are the mysterious powers to attract two strangers to be together? What can be so powerful to engage the couples to be willing to spend their lives together?
The artist witnessed the ” Serendipity” of three lovely couples from dating, arguing and being separated, to the end where they still decided to spend the rest of their lives together. ” Serendipity ” occasionally makes the couples hate each other. However, ” Serendipity ” also makes the couples grow old together and appreciate each other.
The ” Serendipity” appears in the three big hearts when the lights are turned off. This is also the most sincere and touching moment for the couples. This series is composed of the double portraiture of couples. The heart is made of the couple’s fingerprints and names using seal stamp. Fingerprints and names are the simplest yet profound symbol that tightly represent each other’s life.
緣 1,複合媒材、畫布 (開燈),200 × 200 cm,2018
緣 1,複合媒材、畫布 (關燈),200 × 200 cm,2018
緣 2,複合媒材、畫布 (開燈),200 × 200 cm,2018
緣 2,複合媒材、畫布 (關燈),200 × 200 cm,2018
緣 3,複合媒材、畫布 (開燈),200 × 200 cm,2020
緣 3,複合媒材、畫布 (關燈),200 × 200 cm,2020